Having officially completed the semester 2 assignments I decided to spend a few days working on one of my personal project ideas.

I wanted to design and print a series of business cards for myself but I needed some artwork to go on the back. And some time ago I came across an interesting idea. I saw a set of typographic ice cubes trays in my local artshop and instantly imagined artistic photography featuring frozen letterforms. The ice-letters could by coloured by freezing fruit juices and then placed in glasses with water. With a bit of experimentation with light and angles, it could produce interesting results.

I would like to create an entire range of business cards with different images at the back. I am still thinking about a selection of words to be made out of ice cubes. It has to be a cross between design buzzwords and frozen liquidity. I am considering: design, liquid, ideas, art and type (not very original but at least they're short). Any suggestions?