I spend a day researching possible colour themes for my designs.

And, I discovered Kuler! This fantastic web-based software allows users to browse through existing colour themes as well as create new ones. It can also convert an image into a palette which I found very useful.

I was not only thinking about colours for the actual touch screen, but also for the boards I will design to enter the RSA competition.

Since my project will have a symbolic association to honeycomb, I tried to concentrate on warm orange range. I wanted something contemporary, fresh, vibrant, warm...

This are a few palettes I created. Your comments and suggestions are as always appreciated. Help me choose the right one.

1. Muted grey and orange from oriental print.

2. Honey Bees - shades of yellow, beige and brown.

3. Late Summer Evening - vibrant green and orange with a hint of grey.

4. Summer Night - a follow up on the Late Summer Evening theme; it includes black and light grey.